
How to Use ChatGPT to Interpret X-rays

Update 2024.05.14: OpenAI release new model GPT-4o, which can be accessed for free. But it still refuse to diagnose a X-ray image.

Update: ChatGPT will now refuse to respond if you directly ask for a diagnosis from an X-ray image. We have created a GPT to provide an educational guide for a given image, which is available here.

In recent years, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and medical imaging has opened up new horizons for diagnostic medicine. Among the plethora of tools emerging in this space, OpenAI's ChatGPT, enhanced with its latest version GPT-4V, stands out for its ability to interpret X-ray images. This guide aims to provide a step-by-step walkthrough on how you can leverage ChatGPT to interpret X-ray images, aiding in faster and more accurate preliminary analyses. Whether you are a medical professional, a student, or someone keen on exploring the potential of AI in medical imaging, this guide will help you navigate through the process of utilizing ChatGPT for X-ray interpretation.

Can ChatGPT Read X-rays? Understanding Its Capabilities

A frequently asked question is: Can ChatGPT read X-rays? The answer lies in the innovative capabilities of GPT-4V, the latest iteration of OpenAI's ChatGPT. This advanced AI model is not only adept at understanding and generating human-like text but also possesses the ability to interpret visual data, including medical images like X-rays.

In this post, we delve into how ChatGPT, particularly with GPT-4V, can analyze X-ray images. This capability marks a significant advancement in diagnostic medicine, allowing for faster and more accurate preliminary analyses. Whether you're a medical professional or an AI enthusiast, understanding how ChatGPT interprets X-ray images opens up a new realm of possibilities in medical imaging.

Through a series of steps, this guide will show you how to prepare, upload, and interpret X-ray images using ChatGPT. Each step is designed to maximize the AI's capabilities, ensuring that you get the most detailed and precise interpretation possible. So, let's explore how ChatGPT can transform the way we view X-ray analysis in the digital age.

Understanding ChatGPT, ChatGPT Plus, and GPT-4V for AI-Powered X-ray Analysis

In the rapidly evolving field of medical imaging, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping diagnostic methodologies. Among the groundbreaking tools in this domain, OpenAI's ChatGPT, augmented with its latest iteration GPT-4V, is revolutionizing the interpretation of X-ray images. This section delves into the core functionalities of ChatGPT, ChatGPT Plus, and GPT-4V, highlighting their capabilities in facilitating enhanced, AI-driven analyses of medical imagery. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a student, or an AI enthusiast, understanding these tools is the first step towards harnessing the power of AI for advanced X-ray interpretation.

Before diving into the guide, it's essential to understand the tools that make X-ray interpretation using AI possible.


ChatGPT is an AI developed by OpenAI, designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the prompts it receives. It has been utilized for various purposes, from answering questions to generating creative content. It is free to use for everyone.

ChatGPT Plus

ChatGPT Plus is a subscription-based service that provides access to advanced features of ChatGPT, including priority access to new features and faster response times. Subscribing to ChatGPT Plus is necessary to access the image interpretation capabilities required for X-ray analysis. The price for ChatGPT Plus is $20 per month.


GPT-4V(GPT-4 with vision) is a multimodal model developed by OpenAI. Unlike its predecessors, GPT-4V can interpret both text and image inputs, allowing for more complex and nuanced AI interactions. GPT-4V was introduced around September 24-25, 2023, and is integrated into ChatGPT, enhancing its capabilities in image interpretation and visual question answering.

With the foundational understanding of these tools, you are now better equipped to explore how to use ChatGPT, powered by GPT-4V, for interpreting X-ray images. The following guide will walk you through this process step-by-step.

Step-by-Step Guide to Interpreting X-rays with ChatGPT

Embarking on the journey of X-ray interpretation using AI requires a systematic approach. This guide provides a clear, step-by-step process to utilize ChatGPT's advanced AI capabilities for analyzing X-ray images. From setting up your ChatGPT account to uploading and interpreting your X-ray images, we'll walk you through each critical stage. This guide is designed not just for medical professionals, but also for students and AI enthusiasts eager to explore the practical applications of ChatGPT in the field of medical diagnostics.

1. Accessing and Setting Up ChatGPT for Medical Imaging

The initial step in leveraging ChatGPT for X-ray interpretation involves accessing and configuring the necessary tools. In this section, we guide you on how to sign up for a ChatGPT account and upgrade to ChatGPT Plus. This upgrade is essential for accessing the advanced AI features that are critical for detailed medical image analysis. We'll also cover the specifics of selecting the appropriate AI model, focusing on the GPT-4V version, which is specially equipped for handling complex image-based queries in the realm of medical diagnostics.

Key points

2. Preparing Your X-ray Image for AI Analysis

Before uploading your X-ray image for interpretation, it's crucial to ensure the image is adequately prepared. This section outlines the best practices for preparing your X-ray images, including tips on achieving optimal resolution and clarity. We emphasize the importance of proper labeling and orientation to facilitate accurate AI analysis by ChatGPT. Ensuring your image is a high-quality, clear, and correctly oriented digital file will significantly enhance the accuracy of the AI's interpretation. By adhering to these guidelines, you'll be well-equipped to receive the most detailed and precise interpretation from the AI model, making this step vital in the process of X-ray analysis using AI.

Key points

3. Uploading and Analyzing X-rays with GPT-4V

After preparing your X-ray image, the next step is to upload it to the ChatGPT platform. This section guides you through the simple yet critical process of uploading your X-ray images for analysis. We'll show you how to select GPT-4V as your preferred AI model, ensuring that you harness the full potential of its advanced image interpretation capabilities. The process of uploading is streamlined and user-friendly, designed to facilitate a smooth interaction between the user and the AI, thereby making the complex task of X-ray analysis more accessible and efficient.

Key points

Illustration of Choosing Model as GPT-4 with Default
Illustration of Choosing Model as GPT-4 with Default
Illustration of the Upload Button
Illustration of the Upload Button

4. Requesting and Receiving AI-Powered X-ray Interpretations

Once your X-ray image is uploaded, you're ready to request an interpretation. In this part, we'll explain how to effectively communicate with ChatGPT to get the most accurate analysis. You'll learn how to craft a prompt that clearly conveys your request, ensuring that ChatGPT understands the specific aspects of the X-ray you need interpreted. Following your submission, ChatGPT will process the image and provide a detailed interpretation. This section underscores the importance of clear communication in leveraging AI for medical imaging, enhancing both the precision and reliability of the AI's diagnostic assistance.

Key points

5. Reviewing ChatGPT's X-ray Interpretation

After submitting your X-ray image to ChatGPT, the next step is to carefully review the AI-generated interpretation. This section guides you through the process of examining ChatGPT's analysis, highlighting key areas to focus on. We'll discuss how to interpret the findings and understand the insights provided by the AI. This step is crucial in familiarizing yourself with AI-generated diagnostic information and learning how to effectively utilize these interpretations for preliminary analysis, before proceeding to professional review.

Key points

Example of ChatGPT Interpretation
Example of ChatGPT Interpretation

6. Seeking Professional Evaluation of AI Interpretations

It's essential to have the AI-generated interpretations reviewed by a medical professional. This section underscores the critical role of a radiologist or healthcare provider in validating the findings provided by ChatGPT. We discuss the importance of integrating AI tools with expert medical judgment to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of diagnoses. Sharing the AI's interpretations with a professional and comparing them with their evaluation forms a vital part of the diagnostic process, bridging the gap between AI technology and traditional medical expertise.

Key points

7. Learning and Improving from AI X-ray Interpretations

This section is dedicated to the learning aspect of AI-assisted X-ray interpretation. We delve into how users, especially medical professionals and students, can enhance their diagnostic skills by analyzing the results provided by ChatGPT. It highlights the importance of reflecting on the AI's interpretations, understanding its reasoning, and using this knowledge to improve one's ability to assess and interpret X-ray images.

Key points

8. Keeping Up-to-Date with Advances in AI and X-ray Technology

Our final section addresses the importance of staying current with the latest developments in AI and X-ray technology. It offers advice on how to keep your ChatGPT Plus subscription active for accessing the newest features, and suggests regularly checking for updates and new resources available on the platform. This ensures users are always equipped with the latest tools and knowledge in this rapidly advancing field.

Key points

Embracing the Future of AI in Medical Diagnostics

In conclusion, the integration of AI, particularly through tools like ChatGPT and GPT-4V, into X-ray interpretation marks a significant advancement in medical diagnostics. This guide has aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively utilize these AI technologies. As we move forward, it's crucial to continuously engage with these evolving tools, integrating their insights with professional medical expertise. By doing so, we not only enhance diagnostic accuracy but also pave the way for more innovative applications of AI in healthcare. It's important to note that AI interpretations should always be reviewed by qualified medical professionals to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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Disclaimer: X-ray Interpreter's AI-generated results are for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for medical diagnosis and treatment.