Select a DICOM file, multiple files, or a directory and click to convert. No technical skills required.
Convert DICOM files to JPG instantly in your browser, without needing to download software or sign up.
All conversions happen locally in your browser, ensuring no file uploads and complete privacy.
Enjoy all the features of our DICOM-to-JPG converter at no cost. No subscriptions or payments required.
Convert DICOM files from various imaging modalities, including CT scans, MRIs, X-rays, and more.
This converter is intended for personal and educational purposes only. It is not designed for medical diagnostics or professional use.
To convert a DICOM file to a JPG, click the button to select a DICOMfile, multiple files, or a DICOM directory. Once loaded, click the Save All Images button to wait for converting and download the converted images."
Alternatively, you can click the Save button to save a single image while browsing individual images.
Envie sua imagem de raio-X e obtenha uma interpretação.
Enviar agora →Aviso Legal: Os resultados gerados por IA do X-ray Interpreter são apenas para fins informativos e não substituem o aconselhamento médico profissional. Sempre consulte um profissional de saúde para diagnóstico e tratamento médico.